Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Law's Law is BACK

Fellow friends and accomplices,

These past months have proven to be both glorious and awesome. Yours truly, the Law's Law, has fully enjoyed himself and is (still) awaiting California State Bar results.

However, of late I have been fielding from many past and present followers that I have not been updating my blog enough. I too, have been disappointed in myself. The main people / places that have given me the resolve to continue this lovely blog are the following:

1) Sir Snow-Maniac: The fact the you have such great quote such as

"I am being responsible, I am just drinking wine and being classy...no beer, gambling, or (redacted)...only wine. New week for Ko."

is amazing. There will now be a Comment of the Week from you...I wish I could do a comment of the day, because I know you are able, but I do not think I am able to publish so many nuggets of gold. I honestly want to be your ghost writer. We could sell the script like that idiot that made S)(*&^O^^%$ my *(^&^% Said.

2) Sir W: On TV all week. Watched him on Hannity tonight and he was absolutely amazing. I completely agree with his backyard diplomacy style. The Law's Law also agrees with Sir W's style of letting Sir O have two years before he has commented on anything. Respect both Men although I disagree with one of their policies. Challenge to my readers to which one I disagree with.

3) Many things have occurred since the last time I have posted: people have graduated, things have moved...but the best thing that has happened is the a certain Sir has decided to take his talents to MIA. Now this really infuriated the Law's Law. The Law's Law was ready and able to go to the Cleve and do big things and win the first series for the state of Ohio in a while (sorry Sir Ko). Well, see ya LaLame, you can do big things in MIA knowing that the Lake Show will be 8-0 and you are not. Bye. Oh and also, it D-Wade's team, jerkstore.

4) Lost Angeles blog...wow, that guy took this blog and ran with it. I am so utterly impressed by the Can't Sanction the Endzone Shirts, the blog, the life, the Arrogance. Unbelievable. I like it (Enrique style).

5) As you know The Law's Law loves lists, I must finish with a last reason. And it as this point I leave my followers with this: Start Blogs, they are awesome. I challenge every other friend blog to continue their great work. There are so many blogs that can happen, and we'll roll it all up into one large script and throw it on television.

Now always have some stories from the previous week or weekend, so I will oblige my followers.

Here it goes....


Oh man, I hate the real law. The Law's Law will have to wait a few more weeks until he can tell his unvarnished tale.

Until then...

Here's to blogging, here's to America, and here's to blogging.

Yours Truly,

The Law's Law